Felix Stenfors Kamratskapsförening rf
Visit the associations home page: www.felixstenfors.org
Felix Stenfors Kamratskapsförening rf was founded in January 2021 in memory of Felix Stenfors. Felix was the older son of Anton Stenfors, and together with his brother Casper they inspired Anton to start Lillagunga.
The purpose of this friendship association is to maintain the memory of Felix Stenfors, to support medical research, to support relatives of children who undergo stem cell or other transplantation and to maintain the values and interests he cherished.
The association has established an annual school scholarship to protect the values Felix Stenfors stood for and to honor his memory. The recipient of the scholarship is a student who, like Felix, during his school days has been a good fellow human being, shown courage, humor, empathy and good camaraderie. The student must have contributed in a positive way to the atmosphere in the class and has been concerned about the well-being of others. The student is positive, kind and generous.
About Felix
Felix or "Felkki" as he was also often called by his younger brother Casper, friends and family was born in Helsinki in 2007. When his younger brother was born the following year, he moved to Espoo and then to Grankulla, where he grew up and attended both daycare and school. Felix became a big brother early on, when he was only 1 year and 4 months old, and became very close with Casper from the first moment. He was very careful with the baby, wanted to pamper and keep him company. The brothers quickly became best friends with similar interests and humor. They had an unusually strong bond and when they were younger they were often mistaken for twins. The boys almost never fought or argued and Felix was very keen to take care of Casper. As Casper said: "he was the world's best big brother".
Felix went to school at Granhultsskolan. He was particularly interested in history, religion, social studies, gymnastics and English. He was a popular classmate with a large circle of close friends. His classmates described him as the one who created a good atmosphere in the class, who put others in a good mood and cheered up those who were having a bad day. We remember Felix as brave, positive, kind and happy, and very stubborn. Felix was interested in many things and had the good fortune to live a meaningful life. He enjoyed playing badminton, karate and table tennis and skiing in the winters. In addition, he enjoyed playing computer games with his friends, listening to music, learning about electronics (he built a computer for a friend, among other things). For the last two years, he exercised daily according to programs he found on YouTube. He was a master at selling, and sold e.g. Christmas magazines with great success. He told me that when he grows up he wants to be a "businessman". A career in sales or marketing would certainly have suited him perfectly. The outside world interested him a lot and he enjoyed traveling with his family. He managed to visit Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Spain, Gran Canaria, Italy, Austria, Italy, England and Singapore. The places that made a particular impression on him were Singapore and Lapland. Nature, culture and history fascinated him. When Felix visited Singapore with his mother and Casper in 2019, he told us that he would like to live in Singapore as an adult, e.g. as an exchange student. He was interested in Eastern culture and would have liked to visit Japan. He was determined to travel around and see the world as an adult.
Felix visited Stena in Äkäslompolo every year, and the place became very dear through fishing and hiking in the summers, and skiing in the winters. The country estate at Abborfors in Pyttis was also a very important place for Felix, and he enjoyed being with all the cousins and relatives who stayed there together. The family, relatives and friends were very dear to Felix. Felix also loved animals and rabbits and dogs were his favourites. Felix became close friends especially with grandpa/aunt's pug Margarita in Las Palmas, who always waited outside the front door for Felix to wake up. Felix was cheerful and enjoyed life every day - a happy and positive person full of humor and with a twinkle in his eye. He was strong in himself and had an inherent calmness and strength. Pondering and worries were quite unfamiliar concepts to Felix, he mainly saw opportunities, he was fearless, stress-resistant and very strong-willed. Felix was also happy to be with younger children, who often looked up to him. He had a wise and old soul who taught his surroundings a lot. We were amazed time and time again by his ability to never stress about anything, not even his illness. When his mother asked if he could explain how he does not get stressed about things, and always stays calm, he replied "well, I just think things will go well - and then I don't think about it anymore!" .
Felix fell ill in February 2020. He faced his illness face to face without fear and determined to defeat it. He fought to the end - as sharp as ever - and peacefully fell asleep in the arms of his mother and father on 2.11.2020, on the day two months before his 14th birthday on 2.1. He faced death the same way he faced life: brave, dignified and brave. We are glad that your life was so rich and full of love and joy. We are so grateful to have been your mother, father and brother.
Marina, Anton and Casper Stenfors Grankulla 17.1.2021
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