Felix Stenfors Kamratskapsförening rf
Visit the associations home page: www.felixstenfors.org
Felix Stenfors Kamratskapsförening rf was founded in January 2021 in memory of Felix Stenfors. Felix was the older son of Anton Stenfors, and together with his brother Casper they inspired Anton to start Lillagunga.
The purpose of this friendship association is to maintain the memory of Felix Stenfors, to support medical research, to support relatives of children who undergo stem cell or other transplantation and to maintain the values and interests he cherished.
The association has established an annual school scholarship to protect the values Felix Stenfors stood for and to honor his memory. The recipient of the scholarship is a student who, like Felix, during his school days has been a good fellow human being, shown courage, humor, empathy and good camaraderie. The student must have contributed in a positive way to the atmosphere in the class and has been concerned about the well-being of others. The student is positive, kind and generous.
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